About us

The objectives of The Edgar E Lawley Foundation are for general charitable purposes within the categories of Hospices, Children & Young People, Elderly, Community, Disabled and Medical Research/Other.

Its area of benefit is to any charity or not for profit organisation within the United Kingdom. The Foundation is not able to consider applications for grants from and on behalf of private individuals. The Foundation’s preference is to award unrestricted grants to smaller charities and not for profit organisations.

Applicants should be aware that the Foundation receives over 1,200 applications per year for grants but in a normal year can only fund perhaps 100 to 125. It follows therefore that the great majority of applications will be not funded.

In 2024/25 the annual grants programme will be £200,000 with successful grantees each receiving £2,000 each.

The grant round for 2024/25 (April to March) closed on the 31  October 2024 and will re-open on 1 August 2025 before closing on 31 October 2025

Successful applicants for the 2024/25 grant round will be advised in November or December 2024 and grants will be made by bank transfer at a later date to be advised subject to the Foundation’s cash flow but no later than 31 March 2025.

If applicants have not been advised that their application was successful by mid-December they should assume that it has not been funded. The Foundation is unable to advise every unsuccessful applicant individually. Unsuccessful applicants are welcome to re-apply in the following grant period.

It should be noted that grant applications can only be made through the Foundation’s on-line application form available on this website.

No additional supporting information other than that requested on the on-line application form is required.